Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Back in Print

The Ogulewicz Chronicles were originally published in 1999/2000 as a serial that ran more or less weekly on Tom Devine's Baystate Objectivist (BSO) website. It tells the tale of the political adventures of Mitch Ogulewicz, a former City Councilor in Springfield, Massachusetts during the 1980's. The Ogulewicz Chronicles have been out of print since 2006, but have now been re-released as of 2016.

No one can claim to fully understand Pioneer Valley politics in general and Springfield in particular without an understanding of what happened in the 1980's. For example, there is a direct line between the events of that decade and the municipal collapse of 2004, which was the worst fiscal crisis in Springfield's history. This true to life political saga begins as Mitch gets out of the service and makes his first forays into the snakepit of Springfield politics:

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